Advanced Call Handling Solutions Makes 911 Safer, And More Accessible
As technology advances at a breakneck pace, it is critical that our Call Handling Solutions keep up. PSAPs cannot continue to function effectively with the current technologies and plan for or respond to large-scale disaster events. Interim stages can help you go forward; nevertheless, if you want to be successful, you need to move as quickly as possible. There are currently devices that communicate via Bluetooth and internet access. Pacemakers, for example, are implanted devices that provide caregivers with real-time information from the device. Consider a pacemaker that can alert emergency services automatically based on a pre-programmed algorithm. The true strength and promise of NGA 911 lie in PSAPs' ability to take photographs and, in particular, videos of unfolding catastrophes — such as fires, automobile accidents, or possible acts of violence — and communicate the information to first responders. As the alarm transmits a signal to the monitoring station, a person monitorin...