Next Gen 911 Involves New Call Handling Solutions
First responders at 911 call centers are trained to handle customer inquiries efficiently; however, there were huge gaps previously when PSAP technology was not introduced. There is a process that the first responders had to go through where they would ask a couple of questions to the caller which took 2-3 minutes. In case of a crime, 2-3 minutes can matter a lot because it can take away someone’s life.
With the new Call Handling Solutions, victims can even call or text and emergency services will be on their way soon. For instance, you are hiding and cannot make a sound, in such a case, you can text 911 services and they can send over people at your services just via simple texts. Location sending enables them to find the place faster and sending images and videos gives a clear picture of what is happening at the scene.
Operators for NG911 will be trained differently and they will immediately dispatch the services as per the client's requirement. Instead of asking them questions which they may not be able to answer properly, they will get to the point of the issue and try and resolve it.
Due to the new methods of training and communication in NGA 911, first responders will handle the calls with more sophistication and empathy which helps in reducing the stress levels of the victim and helps them think clearly. And thinking clearly in such grave situations matter a lot because then the victim is able to secure themselves in a better way till the emergency services arrive.
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